Karen Shearsmith-Farthing

Telephone: 07570 808 135

Email: karen@therapyforchange.org.uk

Welcome to Therapy for Change

Whether you are experiencing a long term condition or a temporary change in circumstances, we can work with you in a range of ways so you have the right help at the right time.

OT assessments

Karen has considerable experience in using standardised assessments and models for best practice. She is a calibrated assessor of both the International Occupational Therapy Outcome Measures, AMPS (Assessment of Motor & Process Skills) and ESI (Evaluation of Social Interaction).

  • A physical health condition  (e.g Mary tripped at home and broke her wrist. She was unable to shower, dress or do many tasks around her home. Mary found the equipment recommended by the OT easy to use and she learnt a different way of adapting her skills so she could remain safe living at home independently.)
  • A Cognitive difficulty  (e.g. Jim was knocked off his bike when a teenager and sustained a head injury. He believes he has struggled with concentration and making decisions since then. Jim agreed to an OT assessment and programme of life management skills so he could continue doing what he was doing well, but also have the opportunity to learn new ways making decisions and planning ahead.)
  • A mental health condition (e.g. Richard described how his mood made it difficult for him to be motivated to do his basic self care. He neglected himself and his environment and became increasingly isolated. The OT worked with Richard and his loved ones to help him understand his mental health condition and the impact this has on the activities he needed to do. A weekly activity diary was planned with Richard and he was assisted by family and friends to begin to engage and take care of himself, with support.)
  • Communication problems (e.g. A stroke affected Ann's ability to make herself understood and at times, she struggled to understand what was being said, especially in a group situation. She became depressed and isolated herself from others. The OT worked with Ann and her family to provide Ann with a format (communication board) which made it easier for her to express her needs and understand others. Ann was also provided with opportunities to practice her social interaction skills in a graded way, to allow her to become more confident.)
  • A learning disability or Developmental disorder  (e.g.  Bob struggled to attend to tasks and was easily distracted. He struggled with motor planning and this affected his ability to carry out activities of daily living and his interaction with others, who perceived him to be accident prone. The OT completed an AMPS assessment with Bob which provided opportunities for Bob to improve his motor planning and self regulate his behaviour.)
  • Sensory processing / Integration problems  (e.g. Marie found it hard to tolerate situations where light tactile stimulation might occur and reacted strongly to specific grooming activities, specifically using the shower. OT treatment, based on the model of sensory integration, included resourcing of relaxation techniques and beginning on areas of the skin that are least defensive, Marie applied touch, pressure using a range of various textures.)
  • Environmental factors - home, work, education, your community.   (e.g. David began to use a wheelchair full time when he was no longer able to physically access the office. The OT worked with David and his employers to ensure David had the right equipment and to ensure David and his employers understood what reasonable adjustments could potentially be made to allow David to continue to work independently at home.)